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Results for "Dalai Lama"
Lama Surya Das A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Lama Surya Das, a highly trained American lama in the Tibetan tradition who is a leading spokesperson for the emerging Amer…
Kundun Memorable mainly for its moral message about the courage it takes to adhere to the Buddhist principle of nonviolence in the face of so much suffering.
Celebrating the Dalai Lama's Birthday July 6, 1915. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is 80 today. He is the political and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and teacher of nonviolence, and a convener of mult…
How to Be Compassionate A compelling book on cultivating the seeds of love and compassion in our lives, especially for our enemies.
Imagine All the People Explores spiritual practices that can heal the world.
Heart to Heart A collection of crucial (and adorable) ecological wisdom.
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths Affirms the strong points of the world's major religions and chooses compassion as the spiritual practice they all revere.
The Art of Happiness at Work Makes a good case for inner transformation and mind training as avenues to freedom and fulfillment on the job.
Meditations to Transform the Mind Ways to tame and develop the mind.
Does Dalia Lama hate Chinese Does Dalia Lama hate Chinese